Thursday, February 16, 2017


Time for this again. Sigh. I feel it is going to be a bit disappointing as I haven't really FOCUSED on it like I should. Ah well, let's not get discouraged, lets just chip away at these things, few months left!

1. A working cleaning schedule

Ok. So. I have made the list of jobs I talked about in the last update. And I have had some ideas about how best to structure my week to get them done.

But also, I got my Dyson Handstick off layby two weeks ago and OH. MY. GOODNESS. It has totally REVOLUTIONISED my cleaning. I now vacuum sometimes three or four times a week! It's gone from "most hated job", to "almost fun"! If, like me, you HAAAAAATE vacuuming, this is the solution. This may be the best $299 I spend this year. Yes it's early, and yes that's a lot of money, but I am so so happy with it.

3. Say the rosary

It's not TOTALLY hopeless, I have said a couple of broken rosaries. And I've had some thoughts about getting X involved, which might help.

4. Start traditions/honour saints' feast days

Once again, it's not totally hopeless, I have done some thinking on this one. 

I'd like to read some of the many books we own about St. Therese of Lisieux, and start doing the Tuesday prayer thing with her. I've seen a really nice statue of her which I'd like to get as a 1st birthday present for E (any excuse really!).

And I've started reading the kids a book about Saints. They like that but it doesn't have all their saints in it, so I'm thinking about maybe making a Family Saint Album...?

5. Finish the baby books

I have consciously put time into this this week. Benedict's book is the most comprehensive (read: SO MANY FREAKIN QUESTIONS!!!) and so consequently the most behind!! And I'm budgeting to print more photos (E's doesn't have any photos yet) which is the other thing that needs doing, apart from just entering the information. I've also looked into having some plywood boxes made to put the baby books and some mementoes into... Because I am rich? And obsessive? It's just a nice idea, maybe one day...

6. Cover the kids' books

I can't remember if I've covered any more since last time. I had the thought "before I put these back in the cupboard* I should cover them." 

*My kids don't have access to all the books at once. For my sanity, and their safety.

7. Multivitamin

No. Eek! The one that is most about looking after myself is the one I've done least about! And so, karmically, I am currently sick. Boo.

8. Save for Christmas

Yaaaasssssss! Put $50 in the account today!! Just so I could say so in this update! HA!

I have also decided that if there's leftovers once Christmas presents are bought we should use some of this money for going out for dinner in the last couple of weeks of school cos that's such a lovely end to the term/start to the Summer. So basically this cash stash can be tapped in November, all presents sorted by end of November, and then decide what to do with what's leftover.

Also candles for Candlemas, should buy those with this budget too. I have this terrible premonition that the MORE things I think of to buy from this budget, the LESS money there will actually be to buy them with!

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