Sunday, June 25, 2017


Sometimes we forget in what privileged circumstances we live. 

Watching the burning pyre of Grenfell this week made me feel very blessed indeed. We should never hope to narrowly escape these tragedies, or sigh in relief, as in doing so we say it's ok for it to happen to someone else, just not us, or anyone we know. But sometimes when these terrible things happen I am reminded of my blessings. That I am blessed to live in a community where if one house burned down in a freak fire it would likely do so alone, without taking with it the homes of 800 neighbours. That I have a good landlord who makes sure I live in a safe dwelling. That our financial circumstances haven't backed us into the corner that most of the residents of Grenfell must have felt trapped in.

So I thought today I would just count up a few ordinary blessings to share with you all:

1. I am grateful that my husband cleans the kitchen after dinner each night, and that he does a far better job EVERY evening than I have done in years. What a difference it makes to my mental state to walk in and see a clean slate once the children are all tucked up in their beds!! I would have thought the novelty would wear off, but it is always a wonderful gift every night, and every following morning, to walk into a kitchen that is ready to go again.

2. I am grateful for people who don't remind me about things I promised to do, that I have forgotten to do. Or people who pretend to have forgotten themselves! These people at the very least do not exacerbate my embarrassment when I finally remember! 

3. I am grateful for the opportunity, and the ability, to help other people. It's very easy to get caught up in scarcity mentality, and to think we don't have resources or time to do more than we currently do. Sometimes a little creativity is all that is needed to see how to make our time or resources pay us back more than they already do.

4. I am grateful for the health of my children. How much easier days are when they are boisterous, than when they are quietly languishing, and vomiting all over every available surface. It's so easy to forget to be grateful for this, until they get sick again and we realise how much we've taken health for granted.

5. I am grateful for my family's guardian angels. I see the intervention in our family all the time, from a narrow escape, an unexpected windfall, a whisper or an intuition to do something to avert disaster. I have had the opportunity in recent weeks to see what happens when I don't listen to these promptings, and when I do, and to fully appreciate this gift.

6. I am grateful for pleasant surprises; for a text message out of the blue, a compliment from even the very briefest of acquaintances, a gift I had no right to expect, and indeed the gift of unexpectedly meeting another beautiful human being. What a gift it is to find there are plenty of wonderful people on the planet, and we are only just scratching the surface with all the good people in our little corner of the world.

7. I am grateful for healing. Several weeks ago I had an unfortunate incident with a kitchen knife, and to see today how my body has knit itself back together is nothing short of a miracle. To remember past injuries, physical and emotional, and how they have now been repaired should remind us all that very little is ever completely destroyed. And to remember that a small effort on our part might be rewarded far beyond our small expectations. 

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