Friday, January 13, 2017


Welcome to a new series, called MY THIRD BABY 😊 I sat down to write on the subject of babies today, but found I had way too much to say for just one post! So in light of that, you're all going to be subjected to a weekly battering with my completely unfounded ideas about babies for as long as I can keep it up!

As you know I have three delightful children; the eldest is three, the second is nearly two, and my baby girl is just four months old. I feel like I know less (about parenting. No, scratch that, about ANYTHING!) now than I did BEFORE I had children! BEFORE I had children I was one of those annoying know-it-alls who knew exactly what YOU were doing wrong, and why being a parent was so difficult for YOU, but it would not be so for me...

Five years later I can now stare the truth in the face; it is not ALWAYS the choices people make that make being a parent difficult. And though I am still occasionally faced with case of the bleeding obvious, for the most part I can understand that children have their own agenda, and their own free will, with which they can gleefully choose to make your life a misery! Of course they don't really want you to be miserable, but if that is a side effect of their actions then they don't really give a rodent's posterior. 

Anyway with three babies successfully nurtured onto the next stage, I feel I can, I could, if pressed, offer just a teeny tiny portion of wisdom on the subject of babies! (Don't ask me about preschoolers, I am still very much a beginner) So here, for your entertainment (and direct disapproval) I offer my own naive ideas about babies.

What follows in these posts is JUST a reflection of my own experience, and MOST DEFINITELY NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. These reflections should also come with the disclaimer that I have had only "normal" births and "normal"* babies. ALL BABIES ARE DIFFERENT. What works for one person will not necessarily work for another, no matter how much the first person insists that it will, particularly if the second person is not sold on the idea and has no faith in it...  But any of this stuff could be worth a shot if you're currently having difficulty with your baby.

*Also, in saying that they were all "normal", I have had one baby who was born three weeks prior to his due date, and two babies born nearly two weeks later than their due dates, and if anyone wants to have the argument that it doesn't make a difference as both babies are technically "full term"... Bring it.

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