Days like today make me long to pack up a thermos of cocoa, some honey sandwiches and a big tea cake and go off into a pine forest for a teddy-bears’ picnic. The sun is shining but it would be far too chilly in the dense shade to enjoy the company of teddy bears and the brisk wind would surely spoil our fun, so perhaps it would be better to enjoy a hillside picnic where we could bask in the sun with our hats over our eyes and wait for the cool dew of dusk to send us scurrying home to our beds.
I picture tartan rugs and huge wicker baskets groaning with goodness, as well as frisbees and cricket bats for everyone else. I would take a good book and perhaps some sewing and sit in the sun under the shade of a wide-brimmed hat and watch everyone else, occasionally kissing my lover’s forehead as he rested his head on my lap.
Sadly I am not usually the picnicking type, I always pick the wrong day to become enamoured with the idea, when it is pouring rain or when I haven’t the necessary leisure to enjoy it. And I never know what food to take, a sandwich seems too everyday, but anything else seems too much trouble to transport to be really pleasurable on arrival.
I read recently about someone starting a picnic club, which I imagine to have little membership badges and a newsletter full of appropriate recipes, or even just combinations, for perfect picnics. It’s something I’d definitely be interested in but I must wait for the scent of spring to waft upon me before I can truly begin planning my fantasy picnic again.